Singular city vs natural locations.
Flexible and affordable group travel and event plans for everyone.
Our Travel and Event Planning Service empowers anybody to plan a trip or event in Andalusia, Spain, from elaborating a proposed itinerary for your group to confirming, booking assistance and any help you need in person during your trip in Andalusia, Spain and connecting major cities.
For independent travellers, small groups or family escapes.
Our Travel and Event Planning service is totally flexible and can be adapted to your needs as a solo traveller, family or small group.
For travel professionals, study trips.
Our service becomes most useful for group travel or event organisers, who can share our plan with all of the participant group from the proposal stage and throughout arrival to departure.
For celebrations. learning, cultural, speaker events and workshops.
Have your plan your way, with our expert local ground support and carefully planned day-by-day event schedule. Invite and share any plan for your own guest list to experience, from arrival and departure.
Discover The Former Kingdoms of Al-Andalus, One City at a Time.
You will be guided on every step of planning and logistics towards your event. along with booking assistance to provide your own booking links or vouchers within a cohesive plan. Share your plan with your private guest list and have participants sign up for your own tours or events in Andalusia, Spain or beyond.
Al-Andalus Experience has inspired a growing livelihood in our local community while setting a trend for Muslim-friendly and halal hospitality services in Spain since 2007.
Discover the Secrets of Muslim Spain.
The cultural rainbow that explains Muslim Al-Andalus is full of readings, learning and insight for us today.
As locals we have trained to be of service, providing knowledgeable information and experiences for travellers.
We aim to bridge a cultural gap between the modern and traditional, European and Islamic worlds.
Hence, Al-Andalus Experience is about you and where you stand today in a global civilisation.
We invite you to experience history through tradition and synergies, rather than a dry political and warfare account.
Learn arts and skills while realising the spiritual value in traditional arts and apprenticeship of new skills.

Discover the Secrets of Muslim Spain
Engage in a privileged insight from the hand of local guides and experts. Are you seeking to discover the secrets around the shredded history of Muslim Spain? We grant local and historical insight, expert group travel planning, local guides, handcrafted experiences and booking collaborations. Our goal is to deliver sound experiences along optimised routes to your own request, in Spain and neighbouring regions.
What Do You Get With Your Travel and Group Event Planning Service?
- The best of Al-Andalus Experience’s local team supporting you with our knowledge, experience, contacts, resources and tools.
- Guarantee to get the best local fair prices and a mapped cohesive plan for all your trip and event expenses.
- Direct bookings link to our best options for your need, accommodation, transportation, meals, activities, guides, and tickets, all attached to your plan in an “important document” section of easy access within our mobile app support.
- Best travel plan route and text guides for your custom group need.
- Day-by-day location and event-based plan for your trip or event.
- A tidy list of all of our opt-in services, throughout your trip or on a per-city basis, for you to confirm upon choice ahead of finalizing your travel or event plan.
- Professional and digital support with administration, participant registration and booking processes.
- Email invitations to guest lists after the plan is confirmed and ready to share.
- Mobile-friendly digital travel plan containing a schedule and day-by-day highlight guide of your trip for your entire group.
- Add media or document assets to your program per event in your plan’s schedule.
- Ask us if you need any further help and we can discuss a flexible way to solve your need to the best standards and final outcome, “in shaa a’ Allah”.
Do you offer full packages
Yes, the bulk of our bookings is produced as fully comprehensive travel packages, including accommodation, transport, guidance, activities and meals. We are currently covering all group bookings through solid partnerships with local well reputed wholesale tour operators. This way we cover all group bookings with ease, allowing the core of our service to focus on attaining high-standard travel plans to meet Muslim travel needs in Andalusia, Spain, Portugal and beyond.
How do you manage hotel or accommodation bookings for your trips?
First, we offer YOU all of the options available to book at the best rates and conditions. We start with links to a search engine for you to browse and narrow down your choices. You may at this stage book accommodation independently or have us get you our best local partner deals to confirm. Meanwhile, we remain focused on your journey to offer you best plans and service options for you to choose from start to end.
Tell me more about the meal plans.
Meals can be pre-booked and paid for at the establishment. If you prefer to choose your own meals on the go, you may use our schedule’s built-in restaurant suggestions.
Why Should We Hire a Travel Assistant Local Guide?
- Group guide to connect all of the locations and events on your trip or event plan.
- Welcome service and local information.
- Trip or event narrative guide.
- Guaranteed 100% program times optimization.
- Large group logistics manager.
- *Transport not included.
- *Courtesy driving of your own rental vehicle, is free, though we recommend taking fast trains and taxis as a planet and pocket-friendly option for small groups.
- *Groups Requiring bus transport should include our bus+driver service separately.
Do you work with worldwide tour operators and travel agencies?
Yes, mostly. Our service is flexible so professional travel or event organisers may choose where we help them and how they may draw in their own value to their offers, being innovative and competitive, and performing at the highest standards with our assistance.